"Grizz did great this year for his first time out on the waterfowl. He retrieved around 60 ducks and 2 nice honkers. I can't wait till next year. "
~ "Matt"
Mossi is sired by GRHRCH Casey's Max A Million and her dam is HR Jake's Gold Emmy
GRHRCH UH Canteen’s Mossi Brite Eyed
Boo MH!
- SHR - 2008 Spring at 11 months
- HR - 2008 Fall at 16 months
- HRCH - 2008 Fall at 18 months
- SH - 2009 Spring at 25 months
- UH - 2009 Fall at 29 Months
(Update Spring 2012)
Hi Abby,
Delta is doing so well! I am just thrilled with her. We called her Jazztime Delta Blues with a call name of Delta. She is amazing. She is so intelligent that it is scary. She learns each task so quickly. I have trained Labs since 1962 and can't remember a pup this precocious.
Delta is 7 months old and finished with Basic Obedience, Force Fetch, Stick Fetch, and has mastered Three Handed Casting, and performs her Overs and Backs very sharply. I am ready to start her on the Modified Double Tee. I failed to mention that she is also Collar Conditioned and is Collar Fetch trained.
Delta is retrieving Mallard ducks at distances of 100 yards while coming straight back and delivering gently to hand. As you can tell, we are so pleased with her progress. Delta has absolutely no fear of anything!
Larry Calvert
(Delta is from the AFC Jazztime Bluegoose's Skatch X HRCH UH Tory MH litter whelped 07/29/11)
Trinity Oak's FIRSTGRHRCH Pup!!
Just wanted to let you know Splash entered her first hunt test this weekend, we only did Saturday's test this time around, and came out with her first pass at Junior Hunter. I think a lot of people were impressed by the enthusiasm and desire she has. It is especially funny how explosive she is to enter the water for the retrieve, she makes a big leap and splash - funny how they live up to their names!
During the test on the 2nd land mark, the judges had some silhouette goose decoys set up, one of which ended up right in line with Splash's mark. Well to say the least, that decoy paid a price for that, because she hit that decoy at full speed and never stopped. It ended up throwing her off her mark though, but she hunted it and found it. One thing I noticed in our training, she has never given up on a bird she couldnt find at first, she will keep on looking until she finds it.
Our biggest problem area to be worked on is she has so much enthusiasm, it is hard to keep her in the holding blind, she just wants to peer out around it and see what's going on. It's a good problem to have though.
(Splash is from the AFC CAFC Jazztime Bluegoose's Skatch X HRCH UH Tory MH litter whelped 07/29/11)
UPDATE: (11-11-12)
This is Splash, who had a great day hunting in Pennsylvania. Splash is 15 mths now, and she loves duck hunting. She had a 200 yd retrieve for a cripple that kept taking her out farther in to open water, but she managed to catch up and bring it back without any problems.
So glad I came out to get her from you, Splash is wonderful. She also got her Junior Hunter title in September and we are working toward Senior in the Spring.
7 Mergansers & 2 Bluebills
DERBY LIST!!!! Delta finished her young dog career with 25 derby points including 3 WINS.
Delta earned her QAA with a 2nd at 29 months.
Way to go big dawg!
This is Mr Bluetarsky after retrieving his first Ruffed Grouse in the north woods of Michigan. Below and to the right are pictures of the results of several great days of duck hunting during the 2013 season.
Blue completed three months of professional Gun Dog training here at TOL and was a great student! He is from the 2013 spring HR Cody X HRCH Rio litter.
Owned by Mr Novak of Indiana
"Thor" getting in some preseason training, he is very enthusiastic about
retrieving and loves the water. As you recall, he was produced from the
HRCH GMPR Rooster MH X HR Star Spring 2012 litter.
Thank you for your training efforts this summer with Thor in the basics program.
We can’t wait for '13 duck season to open!
~ Don Bergman
Pictured is Aesa, is my almost three year old male yellow lab from GRHRCH UH Ely MNH QAA. He is doing very well and is my prized hunting companion! He earns his keep every hunt by handling very well with tremendous drive for birds. Aesa is a very stylish retriever and it is a pleasure to watch him work.
I have competed him in hunt tests, and to date, he has earned his Hunting Retriever title (HR) along with 2 Finished (HRCH) passes. We will resume tests next spring to complete the title.
~ Alan Brent, Michigan
"Bella was our first lab from Trinity Oak Labs and we couldn’t of been blessed more. She has so much love for hunting and is the most loyal relaxed companion."
(HRCH Blake X HRCH Ellie)
"With Kimber, it was our second time getting a pup from them, and once again, we couldn’t be blessed more. Kimber is a smart, fast learning pup that’s full of so much drive, and only cares about pleasing you. And loves to play ball!
(Blackie QAA X HRCH Kallie)
Thanks to Brett Staggemeier
Ringing in the new year the only way the boys know how to! Boss has been a great addition to our family and is a people pleaser. Boss is a smart pup, who is full of drive! We couldn’t be happier to have him! ~ Allie Williams
HRCH Crash X HRCH Penny litter born December 2023
Blackie QAA X River 2019
First, just wanted to reiterate how much I love Kimber. She is sweet, smart, attentive, and hard charging in the field. She is the best pointing lab I've ever worked with. It's so fun and gratifying to regularly get compliments from old timers in several states on our pheasant and quail hunts. She also comes to work with me every day, and she works hard to brighten the days of my coworkers and customers. Kimber has been an absolute pleasure to own and hunt.
At 6 years old, she's hunted in 7 states and made retrieves on ducks, geese, pheasant, and quail. While attentive in the blind, she really thrives in the upland fields. Fellow hunters frequently compliment her drive, nose, demeanor, and stamina.
Working with Trinity Oak Labs is always easy. Abby is always quick to answer a question or follow up with information. From picking up Kimber six years ago to making plans for a future started gun dog, the experience is always a pleasure!
~Matt Branigan
"Lena doing what she loves up here in North Dakota!" - Jeremy Abell
GRHRCH Jackson X Sue 2018
Pictured at left with a banded Pintail
Rowdy (Kallie x Wake ‘21) pictured after a great week in North Dakota! He is a great retriever and an even better pet.
~ Hunter Wolfe
Big thanks to Trinity Oak Labs…the drive this dog possesses is second to none of the 4 dogs I’ve ran in the HRC hunt tests over the last 25 years. I have big hopes for SHR Trinity’s Surf Betty. Congratulations to Betty on her SHR title today and a big shout out to InDucky HRC for putting on a great test. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend it. It’s beautiful country.
~ Steve Haluska
HRCH Tuff MH X HRCH Hazel 2024
In 2011, I was looking for a labrador that I could ultimately train to hunt pheasants and other upland birds we have in the Midwest. While it wasn’t a problem finding the breed, many of the dogs had unknown backgrounds. I found Trinity Oak Labs and was immediately impressed by their dog’s genetics and disposition. I preferred an American lab over the English variety only because I had owned several retrievers in the past and they all developed issues with their back legs once they reached the age of 10. I determined an American variety (that is generally smaller and of less weight) might not have the same issues, or at least not have them as bad as the English labs I’ve seen (which has been proven to be the case).
When I went to pick up my first lab, she was the last lab left in the litter. I was a little concerned about that; but then I was introduced to her mother, Tory, who to this day might be the best-looking black lab I have ever seen (and I’ve seen thousands!). Solid muscle, weight of about 65 pounds, incredibly intelligent, and strong desire to please its owner. These qualities were all passed on to my pup who became the best upland bird dog that I have owned at that point and my friends all asked where I got her. I was shooting pheasants with her at only 6 months of age, and she performed flawlessly. Two of the other dogs in that litter’s owners I became friends with; and they also were outstanding hunting dogs, especially with waterfowl hunting.
I purchased a second lab from Trinity in March, 2021 and a third in January, 2024. Both dogs have excelled in the field and may ultimately surpass my first one’s abilities which is saying a great deal. Their desire to please is simply unsurpassed by any other dog/breed I have hunted with. Keep in mind that hunting season only lasts for several weeks a year and while you can extend it by hunting in different states, etc. you are going to have 9 plus months when you can’t hunt them. To me, this is why having a Trinity Oak lab is so much fun; because their desire to play, swim, etc. is unmatched. They do require time to exercise so if you don’t have access to a large yard or park you may want to consider a smaller/different breed. But if a labrador is your breed of choice, Trinity Oak Labs is simply the best breeder in the Midwest. Feel free to call me if you have questions about my experience!
Bill Herrick
Ike is pictured chilling on Sunday morning. 9 mos old and a handsome boy. His first nine months have been dedicated to basics. He's bright, eager, and covers ground like a gazelle. Marking ability is superb with equal amounts of search. Ike and I will be moving to the Goosepond FWA area in the middle of February. So excited for our next chapter. Will have 9,000 acres of marshland outside my cabin door. So looking forward to next years waterfowl seasons. Actually Ike will have only a short drive to his female littermate. Hope to have regular training sessions with Jeff. Thanks as usual to you and Ryan.
Regards, Rick Shephard
Quincy is growing up He weighs 68 pounds and is very active. He loves to chase birds and had a good first upland hunting season. He also loved his two weeks in Canada last September living in a cabin and boating daily (though he would get tired of so much sitting around watching us fish but enjoyed the catching and landing). He is still very much a puppy, he loves soft and furry things like socks and slippers, but doesn't leave much damage. He has a great nose and can find most anything. He also has a great memory and remembers where things are left. We are working on his attention span (he is easily distracted), retrieving to hand; he gets out fine and far but it is the last 2 feet that need work, and barking (in the house and at us and his toys). He loves people and always wants to be the center of attention. He is very bold but stubborn, and does not quit on something he wants. We are still training for that on/off switch. He keeps us busy...
Thanks again, Gary and Betsy