2 SHR passes
Fall 2009
(2-2) 10 months
3 HR passes
Spring 2010
3-3 - 17 months
4 HRCH passes
Summer 2011
5 MH passes 2011-12-13
100 HRC Points
In Memory of
"HRCH Trinity Oak's Ripping Rio"
DOB: 12-6-08 ** DOD 11-26-13
Rio is a dark, strong running chocolate female who is a great marker and lining dog, goes crazy for birds and fun bumpers. She has excellent line manners though, and handles very consistently. Rio is an excellent pheasant dog, when she goes in for a bird, she isn't coming out without it! She also gets in on a few duck hunts and did a nice job. With the addition of her newest title, she is now a 2nd generation Hunting Retriever Champion, and is a litter mate to at least 2 others.
Rio, in her conformation, is very well put together, and weighs exactly 60 lb in working condition. Very "chilled" in the house, a wonderful companion and house dog.
Rio is out of AFC Wing Magic's Louisiana Roux MH and HRCH Burn's Miss Daisy May SH. Her pedigree is loaded with many field trial greats including FC AFC Cuda's Blue Ryder, FC AFC CFC CAFC Jazztime's Frequent Flyer, and FC AFC Blackwater Rudy to name just a few.
OFA Good
Elbows Normal
CERF Clear
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

April 2011 - First Master Hunter Pass @ BWRC
May 7, 2011 - Second Finished pass @ Kalamazoo Valley
July 17, 2011 - Third Finished pass @ Backwater HRC
August 6, 2011 - Fourth Finished pass @ Kalamazoo Valley
September 9-10, 2011 - Master Hunter pass @ BWRC
2012: Master Hunter pass @ BWRC Fall Test